Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Read the Bible: Thirty Ways #16

The absolutely best way to make Jesus Christ more a part of this Christmas season is to read the words of the Prophets about Him in the Bible (and the Book of Mormon, more on that later).  There are some great "scripture a day" programs I will share below. And also an awesome link to a search-able online Bible and an index by topic for it so you can choose your own scriptures to read on any topic.  And also I will include a list of our favorite verses to read about Jesus Christ.  If you do anything at all this Christmas to focus more on the Savior, this will work better than anything else, with a close second from serving others.

Scripture a Day until Christmas

December 1:  Isaiah 7:14  "Behold a Virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name immanuel."
December 2:  Isaiah 9:6  "Unto us a child is born..."
December 3:  Micah 5:2 "out of thee shall He come forth"
December 4:  Jeremiah 23:5 "I will raise unto David a righteous branch..."
December 5:  Isaiah 40:3-4 "The voice of Him who crieth in the wilderness..."
December 6:  Jeremiah 33: 14-15 "I will perform that good thing..."
December 7:  Isaiah 40:11 "He shall feed his flock.."
December 8:  Psalms 24:9-10 "Who is the King of Glory?"
December 9:  Jeremiah 23:6 "In His days, Judah shall be saved..."
More later, from the Book of Mormon too.

Do you want to search for a specific word or phrase in the Bible? Do you want to know where a specific story is so you can read it again? Go to this online searchable set of scriptures.
It is very user friendly.

And then if you want to look for Jesus Christ in an index and then go to some of the references listed for the Bible, go to this link

We are going to read all the references to Jesus Christ The Good Shepherd and Jesus Christ Redeemer.  It will take awhile, a few days at least, but I look forward to every minute. 

Let me add a footnote here. We just finished our devotional for the night. So fun!! We picked out some families to do 12 days for and the kids listed some things they want to give them.  And then under Jesus Christ The Good Shepherd in the Topical Guide of the Bible, we found the 23 Psalm.  The kids recognized it and love it. They have heard it to music before.  And then under Jesus Christ Redeemer, we read some of the story of Job.  I am so inspired by him.  And the kids were amazed.  After all he had been through, his testimony and declaration that Jesus Christ is our redeemer is powerful.

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