Thursday, February 5, 2009

Quilts for Baby

Whenever I am expecting, strange things happen to me. :) HA! For example, I get these urges to learn how to knit. I never have actually learned. I can crochet all sorts of things, but never knitting....and so far this pregnancy, I have gone this far without learning again. But another craving I have is for sewing. I whip out a bunch of new receiving blankets (i go through those things, like 5 a day) and I start thinking about piecing together material for quilts. :) Luckily, my Mom was planning a visit and I knew if I could just piece together a top, she would do the rest and quilt them on her machine!! :) So I gave myself one afternoon and searched through the attic for boy material and these two are what I came up with. :) I think it is very funny that I actually put four pieces of material together and called it a quilt! :) But I like it.

The third quilt (obviously in a whole different quilting category) is made by my dear friend Sarah who is a prof at this. Just go see some of her stuff at Her latest which is shown here was auctioned off this week to help benefit her sister-in-law. You may have heard of her, most call her Nie from her blogging. Check out this blog to hear what is going on with them. She was in a serious plane crash and was in critical condition for a long time. Anyway, I am showing off Sarah's quilt here just for fun. I can't really show my weak one afternoon attempts without showing you what is possible in the world of quilting. :)


Sarah said...

Jen, you are so nice! Nice job on your quilt! You are a woman of many many talents! I didn't know your mom was a quilter too. Are you doing reds and blues in this baby's room?

Lara said...

Quilting is on my list of thing to someday learn...good for you for going ahead on your list! I love the patriotic theme.

JenJ said...

I am so bad about this baby's room. So far, it is still our extra room with all my stuff in it. Our bedroom is downstairs and kids up so the baby stays with us a lot longer...don't want to run all the way up there to get a crying hungry baby. So, I am assuming his room will one day be reds and blues, tans.............. :) But that is the extra fabric I had in the attic.

Amy C said...

I get the quilting bug every now and then. I made one once...No, I really did!

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