Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Voice of the People

OK, I am going to get political on you, and I am about to disagree with Hollywood and Television and even three California Supreme Court Judges.

California voters voted into law by 61% that they want marriage in their state to be defined as a union between a man and woman only. This past May the California Supreme Court voted (3-4) that the law is unconstitutional according to the California Constitution. So 4 people just nullified the wishes of 61% of California voters. That is not how our system is supposed to work. We are a rule by the voice of the people. We are all about majority rule; and we assume that the majority of Americans will not likely make poor choices. (that is why America needs a moral society, but that is a soapbox for another day)

Anyway, I know it is a confusing issue. I know we don't like to "deny" anyone anything. But we must protect marriage as a sacred covenant. If we loose that, surely, everything else will soon cave behind it. Opening up a definition of marriage to include anyone who wants to make that union would destroy the institution itself. We would soon have society and government not recognizing unions at all, only dealing with individuals, because anyone could be a union at any time for any purpose. (and dissolve it at any time as well)

Don't think I am making sense, how about this example: Let's say I want a marriage tax break. My roomates and I all decide to get "married" (only legally speaking) until we are done with school. Think of it: Polygamy, bygomy, sodomy, all those omy's. How about health insurance? Another great reason to create a "marriage."

I know you won't read a super long blog so I will stop. Of course there are many great moral reasons to not support a same sex marriage: firstly, children have the right to be raised in the safest environment possible and studies have proven this to be a traditional marriage between a man and a woman.

But let's help those Californians get their voice back!!! Please send in your $$$$ to the organization below. My church is even supporting them and has asked that we give our best efforts to do the same.

I love people, even those making different choices than I agree with. I really do. I disagree with their choices, their choices now affect me, and it is time to take a stand.


Sarah said...

Jen, you are awesome! Well said. I haven't clicked the link yet, so forgive me, but why does this organization need funding? I will go and check it out now.

JenJ said...

Hey you!!!
They are up against big advertising money from people who are really trying to keep same-sex marriage in CA. It was interesting, when I was in Oregon at church, they read a letter asking the congregations to give their best efforts in trying to help the organizations who were fighting for an amendment protecting marriage. They asked us to give time and money and support.

Melanie said...

i back your comments 100%. This country is on such a slippery slope right now. the time for being able to be passive with politics and policy is long gone. we can't sit back and hope for the best. thank you for speaking up.

Dove Self Esteem Fund