Monday, February 22, 2010

Mandi's Birthday Bash

Our little sweet Mandi turned 12. (in December) And even though I sort of wish it hadn't happenned yet, we still wanted to celebrate in a big fun way. I'll share what we did because it was SO WAY FUN!!!!

We have an outdoor shopping mall near us. So we had all the girls meet us there at 3. Then we split them into groups of 4 or 5. We gave each group $10 and told them to buy as much as they possibly could in 15 mintues. They took off. They were SO excited. One group came back with 15 things and spent just under $10. Then we redivided the groups and gave them a list of things to take pictures of while doing. Very fun!! Here is what we did:

"Riding up an escalator
Wearing a tiara
Wearing one high heel shoe
Washing hands in a bathroom
Looking at an information map of town square
Everyone in the group wearing sunglasses
Sitting on one of the town square cows
Trying to hide behind a tree or bush
Asking someone politely for the time
Wearing hats
Wearing a feather boa
One team member trying on an unmatched outfit
Spelling out YMCA with a store employee
Holding hands with a guy
Singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star together
Standing on the Second Floor waving down to the first
1 team member getting makeup applied
Laying on a bench
Sitting around the fountain in funny poses
Asking for an employment application (give it back) J
Opening the door for 4 people
Doing the wave

Put a check next to each task completed. Take a picture. First one to the Theater wins! If you can’t complete it, all teams must be at the theater by 4:00 PM sharp!! Winner will be the team with the most completed first."

THEN we saw a movie. Tooth Fairy. It was OK. The girls thought it was hilarious. My only criteria was that it was clean. It was a matinee and they all still qualify as children (much to their dismay) and then we went to a nearby pizza place for dinner. It was so much fun. I wish I could do it again this weekend. When I get around to it, I'll flip through the pics and see if there are any memorable ones. :)

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

What means Most this week?

Hi! I have been doing a lot these past couple weeks. Busy Busy Busy. But it is interesting. The thing I did that brings me the most satisfaction, that I am most proud of, the one I really wanted to blog about.... I took lots of pictures of me and Audrey close together.

Then she painted a small wood heart frame.
And we picked a picture, put it inside her frame and hung it on her wall. (sorry no picture of the finished product yet) But that is my favorite thing I have done lately. Isn't that interesting. Love that girl!!!

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