Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The lady to our right

OK, I don't want to take traffic away from the funny video I just posted below, but I had to say something about that super skinny pregnant woman over there on the right, counting down my days. First of all, when she says my days left are over 100, that is kind of depressing. Second of all, have you looked at her legs???? Who really looks like that when they are expecting? puulllleeeese! Even your hip bones expand!!!! So, if I didn't think she was otherwise super cute, she would be off of here and back into the void, where she can't make me think this will take forever and my legs will never look like that even a year after childbirth!!!
OK, I'm done. :) Now go enjoy the video.


Amy C said...

Oh, I thought that was you!!

Lara said...

Well, my legs have never looked like that...but I agree with you she's cute and you should keep her there!

JenJ said...

AHHH, too nice Amy!!!!! :)

Sarah said...

Jen, you should post some pregnancy pictures, as I can't remember ever seeing you pregnant. {You and I have not crossed paths during our pregnancies? Wow could that be?} I am sure you look darling, as ever.

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